Capital Projects
The OpX Leadership Network provides solutions to help maximize efficiency and lower costs.
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Use the user guide and associated work book to identify, quantify and break down the costs that will impact your business far beyond the day the equipment begins producing for your business.
DOWNLOAD NOWOne Voice for Acceptance Tests
Use the playbook and associated checklists to resolve FAT, vFAT and SAT criteria, expectations or miscommunication that often result in confusion for both parties, unbudgeted costs in travel and material.
DOWNLOAD NOWRequest for Proposal (RFP)
Use the RFP Guidelines and associated checklist to establish a systematic thought process that enables greater clarity and understanding of capital project requirements and record key information.
DOWNLOAD NOWPackSpec Template
Click below to download The Organization for Machine Automation and Control’s (OMAC) PackSpec Template to see guidelines specific to packaging.