
Pathogen Reduction Validation

Published Spring 2020
Pathogen Reduction Validation

Validating the Reduction of Salmonella and Other Pathogens in Heat Processed Low-Moisture Foods

Validation driven, the design of process steps and control measures, like monitoring and verification procedures that follow, is a critical requirement in preventing pathogenic risks in food and is especially critical in the area of low-moisture foods. This 106-page document from the OpX Product Safety Solutions Group, “Validating the Reduction of Salmonella and Other Pathogens in Heat Processed Low-Moisture Foods,” provides detailed guidelines for managing and executing validation procedures.

The authors, David Anderson of Del Monte Foods (Retired) and Lisa A. Lucore of Shearer’s Foods, LLC, explain that the many principles in this document may be applied to validation studies of other pathogens, notably E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes.

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